Lyman Band This Week:
Congratulations to everyone that participated in Solo and Ensemble and Jazz MPA over the weekend! All three Jazz Bands earned straight Superior ratings, and 107 Students earned superior ratings in 70 different events! Great work! This week: Tuesday 4th period class – Guest Conductor Dr. Doug Phillips! Be on time with pencils please! Tuesday February 18 Concert MPA Rehearsals 7th Period 2:30-4pm/4th Period 6-8pm Lyman Band Reminders: Tuesday February 18 Concert MPA Rehearsals 7th Period 2:30-4pm/4th Period 6-8pm Tuesday February 25 Concert MPA Rehearsals 7th Period 2:30-4pm/4th Period 6-8pm Tuesday March 4 Concert MPA Rehearsals 7th Period 2:30-4pm/4th Period 6-8pm Thurs-Sat March 6-8 Concert MPA Performances (Each concert band only performs once over 3-day period) Monday April 14 Concert Rehearsal 2:30-4:30pm Tuesday April 15 Concert Rehearsal 2:30-4:30pm Wednesday April 16 Concert Rehearsal 1:30-3:30pm Thursday April 17 Concert 7pm |